Liberty Kids

See the difference, experience the difference at Liberty Kids

We are now officially open! For those that didn’t manage to visit yet, do call in, we would love to show you around!

Our beautiful flagship nursery has been completely remodelled and offers a naturally inspiring nursery environment that encourages your child to play and explore, to discover and grow, to learn and understand.

We provide childcare for children from birth to 5 in our beautiful centre and offer complete wrap around childcare for primary school children .

Liberty Kids understands parents are looking not just for childcare, but for something extra special, a place where your child will be happy, safe, nurtured and cared from the moment they arrive.

Our team will be delighted to welcome you and your precious little one and show you around, introducing you to our professional, caring team and let you enjoy the Liberty Kids experience, because we care as much as you.

About Us

Happy place, happy children
Liberty Kids has been founded on a simple vision, to provide outstanding childcare in a wonderful nurturing environment whilst simultaneously supporting and meeting the needs of busy parents looking for flexible childcare solutions.

Naturally we recognise that each child is an individual and has specific needs. Each and every child’s differences are celebrated at Liberty Kids. Our team are trained to look at each child’s individual care and learning requirements,  tailoring each day’s activities to meet their needs.

Enhancing future life chances

We believe that providing children with a high quality preschool education enhances their future life chances. Research proves that children who experience high quality early years education are more advanced at school when measured at the the end of Primary 1. It is our commitment to provide excellent opportunities for children to learn and develop with us. We ensure that we maintain the very highest levels of care for our young children while they attend nursery.

Children are active learners and our beautiful nursery environment and exciting activities have been carefully designed to give your child rich learning opportunities through discovery and exploration, stimulating their natural curiosity, creativity and imagination!

Our Centre

Safe, secure and nurtured

From inquisitive little babies to spirited pre-schoolers to independent 9 year olds; every child has their own unique personality; their own little quirks, likes, dislikes and interests. Each child developing at their own pace, in their own time.

Liberty Kids will provide your child with as many new, interesting and stimulating experiences as we can, to help develop their knowledge, imagination and unique personality. We support all our children so that they flourish and grow in their own special way into confident individuals.

Our centre is divided into age specific rooms; babies, toddlers and pre-school. Each with their own completely independent dedicated wings, infact the preschool has their very own floor to give them their own independence! Designed with security in mind, we have a lovely welcoming area where access to the nursery is controlled by a combination of intercom, staff key fobs and personal identity.

Each room is a joy to spend time in, using natural gentle colours and materials, all are flooded with natural light, creating a secure and wonderfully homely feel. All play equipment are age-appropriate and of the highest standard, everything’s brand new and will be regularly replaced and added to. The centre has been professionally designed especially to give your child the opportunity to explore, develop and flourish.

Healthy physical activity is a big part of the day, even in bad weather, when just tog up, pull on our waterproofs and wellies and carry on regardless, making the most of the fresh air and freedom. If the weather is really bad (icy conditions), that even the most intrepid team members cant face it we simply use our indoor Studio.

The pursuit of our vision and principles can be found in every aspect of the childcare we provide. This encompasses the environmentally child friendly nursery design, the team we employ, the food we serve and the policies and procedures to which we adhere. We are huge supporters of communicating openly with parents to reassure and instil trust and confidence in Liberty Kids.

Our Centre, Your Centre!

Our stance is simple ‘Our Centre, Your Centre’, after all our collective aim is to ensure happy and contented children who are brimming with confidence grown from gentle encouragement and new found experiences!

Play & Learning

Offering more to your child
As well as providing all the activities you would expect from an outstanding childcare provider, Liberty Kids offers additional all inclusive activities at no extra charge.

Theses include our specially internally developed programmes – introducing our Little Green Fingers Club, Boogie-Woogie, I Can Bake and the Magical Language Tree! All specially designed to be great fun for your little one, whilst providing wonderful hands-on extended learning opportunities.

We believe these activities are simply part of our Liberty Kids quality service and should be enjoyed by all children – therefore these activities are provided at no extra cost. All our inclusive activities are delivered by our experienced and dedicated staff.


Required Booking Pattern

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Preferred Start Date
[date start-date date-format:dd/mm/yy animate:slide year-range:2013-2015 first-day:1 change-month change-year]

Child Information

Childs Full Name *

Childs Gender *
 male female

Childs Age *

Childs Date of birth *
[date* date-of-birth date-format:dd/mm/yy animate:slide year-range:2003-2013 first-day:1 change-month change-year]

Child's Special Requirements
Please provide any special requirements or other information that you think may be relevant to your application? (e.g. dietary, medical, etc.).

Parent / Guardian Information

Your Full Name *

Email *

Tel No.*

Mobile No.

Address: House No / Street *

City / Town *

Post Code

Preferred Time / Method Of Contact
(e.g. After 5pm tonight on my mobile)

Other Information

How Did You Hear About Us?

We look forward to getting in touch with you to discuss availability and the formal enrolment process.

(* Denotes field required)